Off to a Slow Start: 20% Week 1

This week, I couldn’t do much because I was at my dad’s house for Friday and Saturday. Although when I got to my mom’s house, I had started trying to teach my 6 month old dog, Lyla, a command called “place.” The whole point of place is when someone knocks on the door, someone will say, “Place!”, and she will run to her “place.” I tried that for a day and a half, but she wasn’t getting it, so I decided that I would get back to it. Instead, I taught her “off.” Off is a command that when she jumps on us, because she is very hyper, we say “Off.”, and she will get off of us. Lyla was able to understand really quick. Lyla had also understood the basics of shake, but I fit that in, so now whenever we tell her to shake, she gives us her paw. I had two struggles this week. One, the whole place idea that I will get back to in later weeks, and the command “down.” Lyla wouldn’t try to do it, even though she knows very well what it means. But that’s just week one, and hopefully she learns more.

My Dream Job

When I get older, my dream job would be to play in the MLB. I’ve always been interested in going pro in baseball, which is why I had started playing baseball at age 5. I have gotten better and better each year I have played. I started off in Tee-Ball, and now I’m in travel ball playing for the Tustin Knights. Back to the subject, a job in the MLB would be amazing. Imagine playing for the Dodgers, playing for the team that I had been rooting for since I was 9. Not in the stands this time, but in the dugout and actually playing on the field. I would also probably be playing with veterans that would’ve been from when I was 9! It would be nice flying in a private jet all across America to play America’s Past-time. Having everyone cheering for you would be an amazing experience as well. Just imagine that you come up to bat, and everyone in the stadium in chanting your name. You know how amazing that would feel? Sure, it would be hard to get into the MLB, as you have to get through all the levels of Single A, then you go onto the AA roster, then after THAT, would have to go through AAA. And if you work hard and play hard, you could get the call to the MLB. All of that hard work would finally be worth it, and you could appreciate that with your first paycheck of over one million dollars. And if you finish your career with an amazing performance throughout the years playing, you could get into the Hall of Fame, the highest level that a player can get into. All of this would be so exciting, but then again, it’s just a dream.

My Time in Arizona!

I got notified that I had a tournament in Arizona during Spring Break. I was super excited and when the day finally came, I was so hyper! I packed my things, got in the car, and awaited the long car drive to Arizona. We left around 6 AM, but I wasn’t actually that hungry. About an hour into the drive, we had found our old IPod that we used to play music with every day. We started by playing songs that I wanted to play, but after a while, I got bored and just listened to my music with AirPods in. We started looking for places to eat on Google. By this time, we were already in Arizona. I had suggested Subway, but my dad came back with, “What meat is fresh around here.” So we just kept on driving. We got to Chandler, AZ, where I had my first taste of my now favorite breakfast restaurant, Cracker Barrel. It was there, where I had the “Grandma’s Sampler.” It is a choice of 2 Pancakes or French Toast with bacon, whatever style eggs that you want, and either Country or Sugar Cured Ham. I chose French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, and Sugar Cured Ham. That was the best breakfast I had had in a while. Also, it was there where I had almost lost my phone in the parking lot. We had gotten out of the parking lot and then I tried to grab my phone to listen to music, but then I realized that it wasn’t there. We went back to the parking lot, and low and behold, there was a man standing there with my phone. He was about to takes the phone into the restaurant to see if someone dropped their phone. Then we headed off to the hotel. We got to the Hilton Garden Inn, and we got there around 10 pm, so we took a shower and went to sleep. For the first day of the tournament, we did awesome! We won our first two games 14-2 and 8-2. But the second day wasn’t as good. We lost 13-3 and 4-3. In the game we lost 4-3, I pitched 4 scoreless innings and I was very proud of myself. We didn’t win, but now we know what to expect when we enter more tournaments.

Rad Reading – March

This month, I chose Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck by Jeff Kinney. The plot is about how Greg’s best friend Rowley ditching him for his girlfriend. After all that, Greg tries to find a new friend, but he struggles to find any. He had always imagined that he would get a girlfriend first and Rowley would be the person that everyone felt sorry for. Obviously, it didn’t work out that way. I liked this book because it was really funny and there were a lot of weird ideas that happen in this book. My favorite character in this book is probably Fregley, believe it or not. Fregley is considered the nerd in the school and doesn’t have any friends. But when Greg gave him a chance, he immediately kicked him out of his spot of the lunch tables. I thought that was funny. A quote that Greg said about Fregley was “… no matter how nice you are to some people, they’ll turn their back on you the second they get the chance.”

Rad Reading – February

It’s amazing that it’s already February and heading into March. Time flies and stuff, but whatever, let’s talk about my book. This month I read Diary of a Wimpy Kid : Double Down by Jeff Kinney. This book starts off about how Greg thinks that he is in a TV show and that the audience is hiding somewhere. But then it gets to how he meets a “friend,” a Halloween party, and more. I really liked this book because towards the middle of the book his mom sets up a play date for him and it’s actually pretty funny. My favorite character in the book is Greg’s mom. That’s because she’s a lot like my mom. She’s always trying to get everyone excited everywhere she goes. My favorite quote from the book is “Whenever you go with the cheaper option, you end up regretting it.” I got scammed for a few items a couple years ago, and this quote is my thoughts after I got scammed. Like if you buy an IPhone. If it’s only 50 dollars, it’s not real. Real IPhones are like 1000 dollars. That was my Rad Reading for this month, thanks for reading!

If I Were Invisible

I just turned invisible! The reason I suddenly became invisible is because some testing at the lab went wrong. The scientist added too much titanium, and all I said was “I’m bulletproof, nothing to lose.” The scientist replied, “Fire away, fire away.” The blast of the machine ricocheted after it took it’s aim. The blast finally hit me, then the guards tried to shoot me down, but in my mind, I was thinking that I wouldn’t fall. When the doors opened, I rushed out of there walked back to my house. Knock knock. “Come in!” I say. “It’s the FBI,” says the agents, “We’ve come to arrest you.” “How can you arrest me if you can’t see me?” I question. Right after I finish that sentence, the come up the stairs and arrest me. “We are going to be testing on you. Get ready.” Says the FBI

My Trip To Arizona

Last Friday, my dad picked me and my sister from school because we were heading to Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona. NAU said yes to my sister’s college application. It was a long drive. We stayed in the car for 8 hours straight! Of course we stopped for food; we got Popeyes. For the whole trip, we were listening to my sister’s 2010s playlist. When we got there, I was surprised on how beautiful it was. There were amazing views and the inside was awesome. Of course, me being me, I got locked out and waited for 10 minutes until someone helped me. The food was great there awesome, but the tours? I didn’t like them. We had been walking around all day since the tours were 10 am to 3 pm. During the outside tour, I made mini snowmen all around campus. My final snowman now sits on a rock in front of the school shop. On the way back home, we again stayed in the car for a while. There was less traffic that day and we got back in 6 hours. That darn Super Bowl made us drive for almost 16 hours. We stopped at a gas station and I got some gummy worms, and when we got back, my dad stopped and In-N-Out for late dinner.

I’ve Been Stranded!

Oh no! I’ve been stranded on a deserted island! My deserted island would be to my liking. Maybe it was planned out already so that I could live my best life. I was on a cruise then it crashed like the Titanic. The boat was sinking and I jumped off the ship and swam to the nearest island. I noticed there were apple trees around me. So I ate apples. Every day I would wake up, eat some apples, then hunt some cows so I can have lunch and dinner. Then I would purify water and cook the steak with the help of a water purifier and a manual on how to cook steak on an deserted island that I had handy. After dinner, I would make SOS signs all around the island hoping to get picked up. After that, I would have a late night apple and then head to sleep hoping I get picked up. But today, it finally happened! I finally got picked up by a random helicopter and then took me home. The whole trip was wild and I hope I never repeat that ever again.

Things A Quote Can Mean

A wise man named Albus Dumbledore once said, “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when only remembers to turn on the light.” What this quote means to me is that even if you are sad and down, you are still able to flip that switch and become happy again. If people are bringing you down, just ignore them and take some time away from them. They are probably dragging you down and again, just try to ignore them. This blog is pretty short because that’s all I would really need to say

The Hero of My Life

My hero of my life would have to be my grandpa. He takes me everywhere from Raising Cane’s to film for Video production, to baseball practice, which is pretty much every single day. I would also say that my grandma is another hero of my life, because every day before practice, she makes me great food like steak sandwiches. My grandpa also always makes sure I get ready and that I don’t forget anything when going to practice, because I forget a lot of things. My grandma also makes sure that I don’t do something stupid. My grandpa always waits for me until my practice is over. I love them very much, just the same or maybe even more than I love my parents. They have been a big influence of my life, and I love them more than anything